Thursday, 8 May 2014

Thursday's experience.

Today was one of those really hectic days at work. Though I regularly visit his temple every Thursday, I couldn't follow that in Bangalore today. I could do only my daily prayers. 

In the late evening I had to go out as I had promised to rectify my dad's phone. The store person told me to go to the Service centre which to my surprise was just bang near the temple. 

So, I finally managed to visit the temple, had a wonderful Darshan and continued with my other things.

All you need to do is think of Him and He will take care of the rest....something I strongly believe in....thus my auspicious Thursday's experience.

Sunday, 4 May 2014 Experience....

This evening, as usual my husband and myself had gone to pick up our son from his classes. I was busy looking at Facebook from my phone and when we reached a hotel to eat, I was called by some stranger. He seemed to be an elderly person and looked very respectful, he was actually leaving (taking his car out). He started a pleasant conversation and all of a sudden asked me to show my palm. When I did so, he told me that I am very compassionate towards humans, animals and birds...etc...Then my son joined me and he immediately told he looks to be very talented in art. He asked to see my son's backside of the palm and told he has artistic fingers. He enquired what was his ambition and when my son said he wanted to be a doctor, he suggested to become a surgeon and told him that such ambitions come for him because of his mother...Further, my husband finally joined us after parking the car, wondering what was happening, when he was told that he is a lucky one and had a conversation with him too. 

Then he left immediately without talking anything about himself. All the three of us were standing there surprised. Sometimes, I wonder from where these people come and why they hold such conversations...when we have never seen this person ever before...Today was an experience and wanted to share....